Pastello Draw Act
Pastello Draw Act
Pastello Draw Act
Pastello Draw Act

Pastello Draw Act

Client: NGV National Gallery of Victoria

Kids Space at the National Gallery of Victoria based on the re-imagination of drawing tools and processes.
As part of the National Gallery of Victoria’s commitment to design and children’s programming, we have been commissioned to conceptualize and design a new immersive Kids Space focused on transforming perception surrounding the simple act of drawing.
The name ‘Pastello’ derives from the Italian word for pastel or crayon – the principal material we embraced for this project.
Crayons are made of wax that can be melted and moulded.
Pastello – Draw Act is a dedicated environment based around the re-imagination of traditional drawing tools and processes. The concept shifts perceptions and expectations about traditional materiality, media and the act of drawing itself. It is active, colourful, inspiring and fun. The objective of the space is to ask children to break out of their comfort zone and to become active protagonists in the physical act of drawing. Children are prompted to draw in odd and quirky ways; through sport, performance and random bodily expression, using melted oil pastels as re-imagined drawing contraptions.
Mathery’s concept for this NGV design commission includes interior architecture, graphic design, product design, furnishing and film – representing our creative capability as a multi-disciplinary studio. The space becomes the media, architectural surfaces serve as substrate, traditional drawing tools are transformed in scale and form, and everyday artefacts mutate to form a stunning array of improvised drawing utensils.
Pastello -Draw Act was on display in the Children’s Gallery at NGV International from 10 May to 31 August 2014.
NGV Director Tony Ellwood says: “We are fortunate that these talented Italian designers have chosen to spend time in Melbourne; the NGV and the city will benefit from their unique aesthetic and idiosyncratic approach to the design process.”

↝ IDEA (Interior Design Excellence Awards) in the EVENT category.
↝ WIRED nominated Pastello as one of the most inspiring designs of 2014

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